UKCA marking: ECO Certifications UK is your new choice

Starting from 1 January 2025, the application of the UKCA (UK Conformity Assessed) mark will become mandatory for placing goods on the market in Great Britain (England, Wales and Scotland), replacing the CE marking.

With the exit from the EU, the United Kingdom no longer recognises the CE mark and introduces the obligation of the UKCA mark. The UKCA mark is recognised only within the UK market. Therefore, all products intended for the EU market will have to continue to have the CE marking: the double CE and UKCA marking will have to be affixed on products destined for both EU an UK market.

The affixing of the UKCA mark will guarantee that the product complies with all UK legislative requirements and that the conformity assessment procedures have been successfully completed.

What’s the time frame?

The UKCA mark is effective from 1st January 2021 for all new products placed on the UK market and will be mandatory from 1st January 2025.

After the transition period, i.e. from 1st January 2025, the UK will no longer recognise the CE marking. In fact, starting from 1st January 2025, the UKCA mark will become mandatory on the packaging (or on the product plate) even in conjunction with the CE marking, while starting from 1st January 2025, it will become mandatory on the product (permanently attached, i.e. on an indelible label) with CE marking no longer present.

The above will not be applied to any existing product stocks, i.e. those products ready for placing on the market before 1st January 2025: in this case, the product may still be marketed in Great Britain with the CE marking, connected to a certificate of conformity issued by a notified body established in the UK.

We recommend you to check the continuous updating of the UKCA time frame on the official website:

The newborn ECO Certifications UK for UKCA Marking

Thanks to our presence both in Europe (ECO Certifications, in Italy) and in the UK (the newborn ECO Certifications UK), we can offer the possibility of obtaining both the CE Certification according to European regulations and the UKCA Certification to all those who wish to market their products both in the European Union and in the UK.

Specifically, the double certification service is applicable to:

For more information, we recommend that you visit the official website: